Cal went to the University of Illinois, graduating from the bioengineering educational program in 1971. Shulman at the University of Illinois Medical Institution and then as a research aide in the Department of Pharmacology, University of Melbourne, with Dr Laurie Mashford, he started a postgraduate study program in 1974 at Monash College in Melbourne. While collaborating with Professor Lampard and Associate Professor Brown, Cal released peer-reviewed documents in the journals Anaesthesia & Intensive Care, Cryobiology, and Stroke and a number of abstracts in seminar process. The purpose of the publications is to lower the medicolegal threat of “failure to inform” by assisting the informed-consent procedure and aiding to establish a procedure of communication in between doctors and their individuals. This was the ABC’s ANZAC Day unique for the Bicentennial Year. Various other video clips for television included an ABC Quantum sector on research by Australia and Thailand to prevent and treat hoof-and-mouth disease, and a cover tale for SBS on coma stimulation treatment. For more information check out: www.